
Saturday, March 4, 2023

Avatar-The Way of Water❤

 Can't believe I am watching 'a movie'...A 'Mr. James Cameron ' movie...after more than 3 months of its release! puts you on a hectic and tight spot personally, professionally and socially at times! we all will agree who have followed his directorial  work right from Piranha -II till Avatar -The Way of Water...'No one brings in the right balance of the state of the art- pioneering special effects and emotional-spiritual content like him...especially when we are living in a time when movie makers and studios are taking the audience for granted with dumb super hero flicks, heavy on special effects -zero on the script-story telling-emotional standpoint! 

'YOU LOVE MOTHER NATURE- SHE IS GOING TO LOVE YOU BACK IN ABUNDANCE- YOU TRY TO DESTROY HER(which we the senseless humanbeings have mastered in...sadly 🥲) SHE IS GOING TO BRING JUDGEMENT DAY UPON YOU SOON ENOUGH!' ... Both the 'Avatar' films make you feel overwhelmed with the visual spectacle, compelling direction and the emotional/spiritual  quotient...yet make you feel a criminal and loser inside for the fact that...we are slowly and surely going towards extinction and hardly anyone cares! 

All that the superpowers are busy in is...bombarding missiles, and biological weapons at each other...!!

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