
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Youth losing their sense of respect towards elders?

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Thanx a lot to shantanu and sucheta for their comments. yes shantanu i feel at times that this younger generation is loosing their sense of respect towards the elders.but we the elders are to be blamed for it.we are letting them do so.don't you read the multiple incidents when the school and college teachers are attacked by parents and relatives of the students who are punished???i think we are heading to a dangerous future..towards extinction!!it will be a full circle when this society will live in the jungles once more!! ya sucheta..i really hope that whatever you have wished, comes true.Of all the experiences i have been gathering in my thing is clear,a person is not respected for his good qualities as a humanbeing...he is respected for what he or she has materially achieved in life,by whatever means possible!!But i prefer to achieve it by my merits solely..!!
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