
Sunday, November 21, 2021

With Power comes Responsibility πŸ‘πŸ‘

 Social networking sites have given us the power to express ourselves like never before! Everyone's opinion or activity...useful or filthy...constructive or all out there in the open!

What I have always said in my addas...I repeat... " To make our lives worthy, it is very important to walk against the herd mentality...we just can't blindly copy, share or forward anything or everything that comes our way, without understanding the fatal blow it is giving to our sense of morality...and to this society in general ... WE HAVE TO FIGHT AGAINST HARMFUL POPULAR TRENDS...otherwise we are leaving nothing but darkness for the future generations "! 

Where laughing and making fun of anyone and everyone, has become a profession,it is giving a deadly message to the masses and this dangerous trend of making a living by insulting people, will surely ruin the basic backbone of humanity,if we don't realize what we are doing! 

It is the youth of the world who can make or break everything around us! They have the power...and with power comes RESPONSIBILITY πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

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