It has been 7 months since the daily soap, AALOR BASHA is on air@ RUPASHI BANGLA…where I play this very interesting negative character called SANGRAMJEET MOITRO…..or SANGRAM….as people are calling me now…some with love but mostly with hatred….and contempt….and I am enjoying all the calls… IMMENSELY!!

Of my 9 years of being an actor,I do understand now, that very rarely does an actor in a daily soap,get a chance to have as many shades of evilness, smartness, cunningness, riproaring comedy,drama,violence etc. packed into one!! More often than not one finds the characters one dimensional, like the other character I am playing at this moment, of this very upright middleclass gentleman named CHINMOY RAY in SHEDIN DUJONE@ STAR JALSA.
Before SANGRAM was offered to me by TSARKAR PRODUCTIONS(TSPL)….talks were on and almost confirmed, for a very violent and dark character in another daily soap named MUKHOSH MANUSH …which got delayed due to various reasons!! I was really raring to go for a 360 degree turnaround after playing the goodie goodie mamma’s boy, KANISHKA in OBS…and not being able to be a part of MUKHOSH MANUSH,even after a new production house backing it, was a big setback mentally, for a moment!!

But then as I always believe “there is something very good in everything that’s very bad”….SANGRAM happened…..!!

Actually I am indebted to TSPL to offer me this role and to offer me my first big screen appearance @ ANGSHUMANER CHHOBI too!
7 months down the line SANGRAM today, is emerging to be a character to watch out for!!
I have always told myself that more than the feedbacks from the people within one’s unit,who are naturally biased,it is the the feedback from viewers beyond the studio and the unit, that matters the most….one gets an inkling of how good one is performing and how is the character being received by the audience…..and by the feedbacks I am getting online offline,by phone,smss,in public …I really am encouraged to believe SANGRAM is being loved and hated at the same time!!!!!
Who is SANGRAM a a person? How is he as a person?… It has often been asked by my friends who love to watch this grey character!….
Well…SANGRAM is all crooked, up there! He comes from an affluent joint family!He is a realtor by profession. Didn’t care much about studies as he was too much dipped in the dream to be a rich powerful man…ofcourse by shortcut!! I guess he has the deceptive gene from his corrupt father who is a bank manager!
He has a medical history of nervous disorder,violent mood swings,for which he was once prescribed to be admitted under psychiatric care,but wasn't due to the insistence of is Mejka,who loves Sangram more than his own son!!

He has been married…to the wrong girl ,according to him…he doesn’t quite like the mild,meek temperament of his wife DIPA…and has no feelings for her…even if she is expecting their first baby! For him…as because he is earning money and providing for her,she should dare not encroach on his privacy,even if that is womanizing in the same house infront of her eyes!!… Typical MCP….an evil,over ambitious,money-hungry MCP…a dangerous combination!!

He doesn’t care about MEJKA who loves him and trusts him blindly as his business partner…and doesn’t even think twice to deceive him!He tries his best,not to include DEV,a professor,who is MEJKA’s son,in the business! Unscrupulous to the core!!
He is a compulsive liar…a very believable one!…he is cunning.. calculative...ill tempered… violent…but disguises them by his gentle appearance! He can go to any extent to achieve money and power…to what extent?…that is the question!!
What is it like to play a very dark character like SANGRAM?
Of all the popular characters I have played till date since JOJO in EKDIN PRATIDIN…


and SANGRAM in AALOR BASHA are the ones I really challenged myself….! That is because DR SHURJO SEN in KHELA



were a lot like me in many aspects…if not in all! It was easier for me to become them…..but the former ones were a far far far cry from what I could ever remotely become as a humanbeing!! Therein lies the challenge…..to become someone who I am not….and SANGRAM excels in that challenge! There is something in that get up of SANGRAM! The moment I am in it… the mind bends toward darkness!! I am enoying every moment of being SANGRAM…an the very fact that a very white character of CHINMOY is one air,is making SANGRAM look even darker!
The night,9th May, when the scene,where SANGRAM had a big show down with his pregnant wife DIPA,was telecasted…the first call I got,was from MRS MAMATA SHANKAR!! MOMO di flattered me as SANGRAM to no ends …!! That encouraged me to march ahead with full force,with all the poison that SANGRAM has in him!

All these years of people asking me why I didn't qualify ever,for a single nomination anywhere,nominations being mysteriously cancelled at the last moment,people shamelessly asking money for nominations...let alone any award or ‘ ceremonial recognition’ if one may call it…are all meaningless in comparison with so much of love and continuous unconditional support from all my friends,all over the world! That is my nomination… my award…my OSCAR…my everything!! Want nothing more!! Have left everything in life for this!! No money or manipulated award snatching, can equal that!!i feel indifferent towards all this dirt!! Any of the so called ‘awards’ that may or in all probability may not come to me in future, will just be an icing on this lipsmacking cake of love and warmth that I cherish 24x7!