
Thursday, February 18, 2010


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A very important and interesting discussion has cropped up,after seeing the present state of the blooming male ego of Kanishka,in “Ogo Bodhu Shundori”….. “WILL MEN WILL ALWAYS BE MEN?”… “IS IT FAIR TO GENERALIZE ANY SEX OF BEING GOOD OR BAD,JUST BY ONE’S PERSONAL EXPERIENCE?”…. “IS THEIR THE HEAVENLY BEAUTIFUL,NATURAL LAW OF CO-EXISTENCE, STILL ALIVE AMONG THE IMPATIENT US, OF TODAY’S WORLD?” I have always believed…..thanx to my and women are made for each other(eke onner poripurok)…they cannot just exist without each other…that’s how He has made the rules in this wide world…and we are just mere minnows to defy that by trying to be chauvinists or autocrats! Man and Woman or Woman and Man..whichever was you put it are the essential elements to love, life, dreams, happiness, content, success, company, trust,belief and hope. No one,for me, is smaller or bigger…better or worse…more or less…everyone is equal…it’s just the basic nature of humanbeing varies,irrespective of the gender. So on one hand you can have a very brutal swine as a male dominator or you may have an evil sorceress as the female destructor…no one is perfect! I do understand and readily agree that women in the larger picture have been oppressed,in the past and still are….by men….but history has glorious examples all throughout the world too,where women have proved that they are no less than men AND history has it too,where men have thrown open their arms for co-existence and supported the cause for women empowerment! The scene in today’s world is more balanced as far as division of power between men and women is concerned. But…. it greatly saddens me when I do get vibes from men who look on all women with a degenerating,disgusting opinion. It saddens me when I do get vibes from women who look on all men with hatred as chauvinists and perpetrators! I strongly disapprove of this generalized,biased opinion of any gender,just going by one’s personal experience! There’s goodness still left within humanbeing…if one is the son/daughter of God..He will lead one to him/her who will be one’s true friend/partner and will teach one to co-exist,without any malice,any hatred,any prejudice…by not being a sexist! Woman-Man co-existence is the most ethereal ! I am deeply concerned with the alarming amount of break-ups in relationships…I am concerned with my very very close friends going through this same hellish mode! I am concerned with marriage becoming a farce….the institution becoming a laughing stock! Who do I blame? Is it our impatience? Is it our lack of understanding and adjustment? Is it our material thoughts those are overcoming the softness of our heart? Whatever it’s alarming! Of all the various bitter experiences of my life,the people concerned have been both men and women! So who do I blame? No one…..!!! I blame myself of not being intelligent enough to understand my loss through those people,in the right time… that’s it! My loss doesn’t mean that I will close all my windows and nurse a grudge against any gender in particular. Today I have very many friends who are women and I do respect them for who they are and would do and give everything for their support…same with the very close male friends I do have! I believe in co-existence and co-operation and equality.. and nothing beyond that! My parents……happily married for 3 decades now….whom I have hardly seen or heard quarrelling…whom I have always seen to give respect to each other’s space…whom I have always seen to co-exist even in troubled times…rock-solid…. are my inspiration to believe so……I just hope and aspire, I do get someone in my life who believes the same and co-exists happily….!! Though one is not desperate…but the search is on!!!
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